Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It has been a while since I have updated this project. I stopped, over the holidays, partially due to the nature of the season, but also due to a snag in the guitar works that I was hesitant to record. The orginal attempt to bend the sides resulted in major cracking, so they had to be started over. The second attempt went well, as he made them much thinner that time. He soaked the sides overnight in the tub, and then, using a propane torch and a piece of 2 inch pipe, bent them into the approximate shape. Then he fitted them into the mold he had already prepared. This first picture shows that step.

This is the setup for the heat-bending of the wood.

This shows the original sides being bent. The second attempt happened while I was at work, so I missed capturing it on film. Posted by Picasa


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