Well, here it is! I missed out, once again, on capturing some of the last efforts on camera. Actually, at this very moment, he is at his folks house working on the finishing touches.
In this picture at left, he strung it up to play it, as soon as he possibly could, although there was still some work to do on the instrument. He was, understandably, excited to hear what it was going to sound like.
After playing it for a few days, he took the strings off, and commenced the finish work, such as filling & sanding. Today, he is applying the lacquer, after which, he must wait a few days before playing it again.
I do have some more photos, which I intend to upload, and eventually organize this blog a bit better as well. Meanwhile, if you start in November of last year (see the archives in the sidebar), scroll down to the bottom of the page and move forward, you will get a chronological sequence of the North Coast Guitar Project.
In this picture at left, he strung it up to play it, as soon as he possibly could, although there was still some work to do on the instrument. He was, understandably, excited to hear what it was going to sound like.
After playing it for a few days, he took the strings off, and commenced the finish work, such as filling & sanding. Today, he is applying the lacquer, after which, he must wait a few days before playing it again.
I do have some more photos, which I intend to upload, and eventually organize this blog a bit better as well. Meanwhile, if you start in November of last year (see the archives in the sidebar), scroll down to the bottom of the page and move forward, you will get a chronological sequence of the North Coast Guitar Project.
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