
Sunday, August 14, 2005

the most recent addition to the food paradigm has been the blood type diet. based on Eat Right For Your Type, it defines diets based on whether you are A, B, AB, or O.

this has also led him to realize that the raw vegan diet may not be the best diet for every body.

we are still aiming for mostly vegetarian, although fish is a good source of a lot of things, and we will likely still eat that.

oh. and on another note, we took the sunchild off of milk a ways back. we let him do other dairy, just not the constant milk drinking that was going on earlier this year. the interesting thing is, his constant snotty nose & dark circles under his eyes have vanished. i am not certain it is the dairy- he has been getting a lot of exercise, sun, and healthy food on demand since he left daycare.... i think this may contribute to his raidiant health.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

today he asked me if i knew how to butcher a rabbit.

this is definitely a change in direction!

Monday, August 01, 2005

the almond milk has really grown on me. when i strain it through the tea strainer, it is creamy & yummy & good.

he is still talking raw food, but some recognition of the time it may take to completely change his eating habits.

now the direction is vegetarian, mostly raw.

another new influence is the 'eat right for your type' diet. we have a blood test on order, so that he can learn his type. the boy wants to be involved too, and wants to watch his papa so that he can decide if he wants to learn his blood type too.